Pilot production
+7 (919) 643-30-07
Vosstanya street 100, Himgrad
Scientific Center
+7 (919) 643-30-07
Sibirskiy trakt street 34, b.10

Heterogeneous phthalocyanine catalyst KSM-X

Heterogeneous phthalocyanine catalyst KSM-X is produced by Akhmadullins Research and Development Center LLC according to RF patents No. 2677226 “New metal complex compounds of oligopyrocatechol and a method for obtaining catalysts for the oxidation of sulfur compounds based on them” and RF No. 2529500 “Catalyst for the oxidation of sulfur compounds” in accordance with TU 2175 -001-40655797-2014 and RPB No. 0132628813.20.62304


  • The production time for a batch of catalyst is 3 months.
  • The warranty period of the catalyst is 8 years.

The cost of a heterogeneous phthalocyanine catalyst KSM-X, when recalculated for a warranty period of its service of 8 years, is on average 1.5÷3 times lower than that of homogeneous analogs (a liquid catalyst is an analog of Merox).

Contact us to order a catalyst

Heterogeneous phthalocyanine catalyst KSM-X is used in the following processes:

  • gas desulfurization;
  • alkaline oxidative demercaptanization of gasoline, kerosene and diesel fractions;
  • demercaptanization of light oils and gas condensates;
  • neutralization (purification) of sulphurous-alkaline effluents, formation waters and water process condensates.

Manufactured and supplied phthalocyanine catalyst KSM-X for:

DIAL-Alliance LLC2022
LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez LLC2021
Tomskneftekhim LLC, SIBUR2021
LLC "Mozyr Refinery", Republic of Belarus2019
LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftepererabotka LLC2019
SNPS Munaygas, Republic of Kazakhstan2019
Kharg Petrochemical Company, Iran2018
Syzran Oil Refinery LLC2018
PJSC Gazpromneft-MNPZ2018
LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez LLC2018
JSC Slavneft-Yaroslavnos2017
PJSC Gazpromneft-Moscow Oil Refinery2016
PJSC ANC Bashneft Ufa Refinery2016
International Station for Manufacturing of Refining, Bahrain2014
OAO Gazpromneft-Moscow Oil Refinery2014
LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnos LLC2014
«ORLEN Lietuva — Мажейкский НПЗ»2012
ORLEN Lietuva — Mazheik Oil Refinery2012
JSC Slavneft-Yaroslavnos2012


The KS series catalyst on a polymer carrier was developed in 1983. With its use for the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, sulfides and mercaptides of ammonium or sodium in sulfurous-alkaline wastewater to harmless oxygen-containing compounds – thiosulfates, sulfates and alkylthiosulfonates, the LOCOS technology was developed. In 1985, the LOKOS process was first introduced at the Moscow Refinery. In 1992, using the KS catalyst, a BBF demercaptanization process was developed and implemented at the Moscow Oil Refinery – DEMERUS LPG.

In 1996, a new modification of the catalyst, KSM, was developed, and in 2012. – catalyst KSM-X, designed for the purification of liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG), gas condensates, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and light oils from mercaptan sulfur and for the oxidative neutralization of sulfide-containing aqueous process condensates, bottom water and sulphurous-alkaline effluents in a gas, oil producing , oil refining, petrochemical, pulp and paper and other industries, also used in petrochemical synthesis for the oxidation of phenols, mercaptans and other organic and inorganic compounds.