Pilot production
+7 (919) 643-30-07
Vosstanya street 100, Himgrad
Scientific Center
+7 (919) 643-30-07
Sibirskiy trakt street 34, b.10

Reference list

    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. БНФ/У/31/615/23/ДКС dated 20.09.2023
    • Customer
      PJSC "ANK "Bashneft"
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Development of clarifying Basic Design for the design and construction of the DCU-200 LPG desulphurization unit
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Issued of clarifying Basic Design for the design and construction of the DCU-200 LPG desulphurization unit
    • Address of the object of work performed
      450112, Ufa, st. K. Marx, 30/1
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Nebrat A.S. +7(347)249-18-54; 518-54
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. БГЮ-118/2023 dated 22.09.2023
    • Customer
      JSC "BerezkaGaz Yugra"
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Development of the Basic Design for the alkaline treatment Unit of liquefied hydrocarbon gases of JSC "BerezkaGas Yugra" from carbonyl sulfide, residual hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Issued of the Basic Design for the alkaline treatment Unit of liquefied hydrocarbon gases of JSC "BerezkaGas Yugra" from carbonyl sulfide, residual hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans
    • Address of the object of work performed
      628011, Khanty-Mansiysk, st. Engelsa, house 60
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Belyaev A.I. +7 (3467) 362-484 add. 3156
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. МНЗ-22/07200/00860/Р dated 09/21/2022
    • Customer
      JSC «Gazpromneft-MNPZ»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Development of the Basic Design for the Unit for the Purification of Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases from Mercaptans
    • Technical description of the work performed
      The Basic Design of the Block for the Purification of Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases from Mercaptans was issued
    • Address of the object of work performed
      109429, Moscow, Kapotnya, 2nd quarter, 1, building 3
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Shaposhnikov A. +7-9268-275-543
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 13-2/22 dated 10.10.2022
    • Customer
      JSC «IPN»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Development of the Basic Design for the Unit for the Purification of Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases from Mercaptans
    • Technical description of the work performed
      The Basic Design of the Block for the Purification of Liquefied Petroleum Gases from Mer-Aptans was issued
    • Address of the object of work performed
      111141, Moscow, st. Plekhanova, d.7
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Yaitskikh G.S. +7-9104-629-807
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. NC-9110R453 dated 05.03.2024
    • Customer
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Carrying out physical modeling of the oxidation of sulfur compounds in alkaline aluminate solutions
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Physical modeling of the oxidation of sulfur compounds in alkaline aluminate solutions completed
    • Address of the object of work performed
      Krasnoyarsk, Pogranichnikov street, house 37, building 1
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Knyazev A.V. +7-950-035-98-91
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 1/23 dated 16.10.2023
    • Customer
      LLC "NIPI "Technopolis"
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      R&D – Development of the Laboratory stage of creating synthetic metal oxides-pigments with specified characteristics
    • Technical description of the work performed
      In progress
    • Address of the object of work performed
      Kazan, st. Jaudata Fayzi, 14a
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Usmanov N.V. +7-9033-40-26-37
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 0520-12 dated 05/12/2020 Add. agreement No. 2 dated 12.01.2021
    • Customer
      LLC «IVTs «Inzhekhim»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Government Contract ID 192202010 1692000000 000000 (R&D)
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Implementation of an integral part of research work, code «PFS-I» Technological support for the organization of pilot small-tonnage production of polyphenylene sulfide
    • Address of the object of work performed
      st. Chaliapin, 14, Kazan, Rep. Tatarstan, 420049
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Farakhov M.I. tel. 8(843)570-23-28
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 0520-12 dated 05/12/2020 Add. agreement No. 1 dated 18.07.2020
    • Customer
      LLC «IVTs «Inzhekhim»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Government Contract ID 192202010 1692000000 000000 (R&D)
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Implementation of an integral part of scientific research work code «PFS-I» Development of technology for the manufacture of paradichlorobenzene
    • Address of the object of work performed
      st. Chaliapin, 14, Kazan, Rep. Tatarstan, 420049
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Farakhov M.I. tel. 8(843)570-23-28
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. 19D00943/22 dated 09/22/2022
    • Customer
      PJSC Slavneft-YANOS
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Development of fundamental technical solutions to reduce the total sulfur in BBF to the standards of no more than 10 ppmw
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Technical solutions have been developed to reduce the total sulfur in BBF to the standards of no more than 10 ppmw
    • Address of the object of work performed
      150023, Yaroslavl, Moskovsky prospect, 130
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Dutlov E.V. +7-9109-739-920
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. 223/9139-D dated 22.08.2022
    • Customer
      JSC «NIIgrafit»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Design and manufacture of customized polyphenylene sulfide (R&D)
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Designed and manufactured polyphenylene sulfide with specified characteristics
    • Address of the object of work performed
      111524, Moscow, st. Electrodnaya, d.2
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Fateeva M.A. +7-9997-153-592
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 0520-12 dated 05/12/2020
    • Customer
      LLC «IVTs «Inzhekhim»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Government Contract ID 192202010 1692000000 000000 (R&D)
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Implementation of an integral part of research work, code "PFS-I" Development and manufacture of a reactor for choosing the optimal sulfiding agent and synthesizing polyphenylene sulfide
    • Address of the object of work performed
      st. Chaliapin, 14, Kazan, Rep. Tatarstan, 420049
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Farakhov M.I. tel. 8(843)570-23-28
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. Д_24446_105496_58497 dated 18.01.2024
    • Customer
      PJSC Gazpromneft-MNPZ
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacturing and supply of KSM-X catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      10.9 m3 of heterogeneous KSM-X catalyst was manufactured and supplied
    • Address of the object of work performed
      109429, Moscow, Kapotnya, 2nd quarter, 1, building 3
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Shaposhnikov A. +7-9268-275-543
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. NM-051600/IZ-do/007623/2023 dated 18.12.2023
    • Customer
      NIS j.s.c Novi Sad, Oil Refinery Pancevo
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacturing and supply of KS-TSPC catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      500 l of KS-TSPC catalyst were manufactured and delivered
    • Address of the object of work performed
      Sporjnostarcevacka 199A, Pancevo / 2600, Serbia
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Biljana Senic Strategic Procurement Department
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 369/A/4 dated 13/07/2023
    • Customer
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacturing and supply of KS-TSPC catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      1000 l of KS-TSPC catalyst were manufactured and delivered
    • Address of the object of work performed
      01-19B, Mezzanine Floor, 1072 Building, Al Muteena, Deira,DUBAI P.O. Box 452089
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      042653553 ARDAVAN NAJAFFUR
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 369/A/4 dated 13/07/2023
    • Customer
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacturing and supply of KS-TSPC catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      1000 l of KS-TSPC catalyst were manufactured and delivered
    • Address of the object of work performed
      01-19B, Mezzanine Floor, 1072 Building, Al Muteena, Deira,DUBAI P.O. Box 452089
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      042653553 ARDAVAN NAJAFFUR
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 75-АНПЗ/13/2023 dated 09.06.2023
    • Customer
      "Afipsky Oil Refinery" LLC
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacturing and supply of KSM-X catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      11.9 m3 of heterogeneous KSM-X catalyst was manufactured and supplied
    • Address of the object of work performed
      Krasnodar region, Seversky district, town. Afipsky
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Avdulov E.V. +7 (861) 201-05-00 add. 4552
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 018-1302/23 dated 13.07.2023
    • Customer
      OJSC “TAIF-NK”
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacturing and supply of KSM-X catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      12.0 m3 of heterogeneous KSM-X catalyst was manufactured and supplied
    • Address of the object of work performed
      OJSC “TAIF-NK” Promzona, Nizhnekamsk city, Tatarstan, Russian Federation, 423570
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Director of Gasoline production Plant at OJSC ILSHAT G. Fatykhov +7(8555)38-17-47
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 369/A/3 dated 21/06/2023
    • Customer
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and Supply of KS-TSPC catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 400 l of KS-TSPC catalyst
    • Address of the object of work performed
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      042653553 ARDAVAN NAJAFFUR
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. 2023003926 dated February 10, 2023 Specification No. 2
    • Customer
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and supply of KS-TSFC oxidation catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 260 liters of oxidation catalyst KS-TSFC
    • Address of the object of work performed
      OOO LUKOIL-NNOS, Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Chief Technologist of LUKOIL-NNOS Abramov D.P. +7 (83145) 53771
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 13-01/22 dated 01.10.22
    • Customer
      Hark Petrochemical Company
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Supply of KSM-X oxidation catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 9.0 m3 of catalyst KSM-X
    • Address of the object of work performed
      No. 40, Dejam Jou Street, Northern Dibaji, Farmaniyeh, Tehran, Iran
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Mr. Hosseinirad +989121854213
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. 2023003926 dated February 10, 2023 Specification No. 1
    • Customer
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and supply of KS-TSFC oxidation catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 130 liters of oxidation catalyst KS-TSFC
    • Address of the object of work performed
      OOO LUKOIL-NNOS, Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Chief Technologist of LUKOIL-NNOS Abramov D.P. +7 (83145) 53771
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. 02D01157/22 dated 11/15/2022
    • Customer
      PJSC Slavneft-YANOS
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and supply of KSM-X oxidation catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 2.4 tons of KSM-X oxidation catalyst
    • Address of the object of work performed
      150023, Yaroslavl, Moskovsky prospect, 130
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Dutlov E.V. +7-9109-739-920
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Contract No. dated 22.08.2022
    • Customer
      FGAOU VO «Kazan (Privolzhsky)»
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and supply of an experimental batch of PPS
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and delivered 50 kg of a pilot batch of PPS
    • Address of the object of work performed
      420008, Kazan, st. Kremlin, 18
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Balkaev D. +7-9655-858-713
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 0309/3-2022 dated 05.05.2022
    • Customer
      DIAL Alliance LLC
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and supply of KSM-X oxidation catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 5.2 m3 of KSM-X oxidation catalyst
    • Address of the object of work performed
      410012, Saratov region, Saratov, st. them. Chelyuskintsev, 128, office. 9
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Maleev Dmitry +7-937-228-50-43
    • Date of conclusion of the contract
      Agreement No. 13/01/2022/ GPN-22/01000/0165/P/GPNSI-09 of 03/05/2022
    • Customer
      Gazpromneft Supply Interna-tional doo Beograd-Vračar
    • Title, brief description of the project, object
      Manufacture and supply of KS-TSFC oxidation catalyst
    • Technical description of the work performed
      Manufactured and supplied 300 liters of KS-TSFC oxidation catalyst
    • Address of the object of work performed
      Belgrade, Rudnicka street 14, Belgrade-Vracar, Serbia
    • Customer representative, full name, position, contacts
      Chachin Alexey tel. +7-921-808-0895