
Implementation acts and reviews

  1. Feedback on the Basic design of a block for the purification of liquefied hydrocarbon gases from hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans of Afipsky Oil Refinery LLC. (2018)
  2. Reviewed by Amec Foster Wheeler Inc. for the Basic design of the LPG desulphurization unit of the UZK OJSC ANK Bashneft. (2017)
  3. Feedback from Taif-NK OJSC on the operation of the PPBBF demercaptanization unit of the catalytic cracking unit. (2017)
  4. Reviews of LLC «NEFTEKHIMPROEKT» on the Basic projects for the desulfurization of LPG of Mozyr Oil Refinery OJSC and Gazpromneft-MNPZ OJSC. “(2017)
  5. Feedback from JSC «Gazpromneft MNPZ» on the Basic design of the LPG demercaptanization unit of section 100 CDU-AVT-6 CUPN. (2017)
  6. Feedback from LUKOIL-NNOS LLC on the operation of the butane fraction demercaptanization unit. (2017)
  7. Feedback on the technology of demercaptanization of kerosene fraction for the production of white spirit. Iraq, Kirkuk, industrial zone No. 81213. (2017)
  8. Feedback from JSC «KONAR» on the Basic design of the LPG demercaptanization unit of section 5000 of the «Flexicoking» unit. (2017)
  9. Feedback from JSC «IOTECH» on the Initial data for the design of a block for the treatment of chemically contaminated wastewater from sulfide sulfur. (2017)
  10. The act of introducing the Demer-KSP kerosene demercaptanization process in Bahrain. (2015)
  11. The act of implementing the butane fraction demercaptanization process in OOO LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez (2014)
  12. ORLEN Lietuva about the operation of the KSM catalyst. (2013)
  13. On the operation of the butane purification unit at Lukoil-NNOS LLC.
  14. On the operation of the butane purification unit at Lukoil-NNOS LLC. (sheet 2) (2013)
  15. The act of implementing the cleaning of PBBF at TAIF-NK OJSC. (2010)
  16. The act of introducing the purification of the butane fraction of AGFU LLC «Lukoil-Nizhnegorodnefteorgsintez» from mercaptans – raw materials for hydrofluoric alkylation from (2010)
  17. The act of implementing the Demer-LUVS process on the KSM catalyst for the demercaptanization of PBBF, Yaroslavl, ZAO YARVAZ. (2001)
  18. The act of implementing the Demer-LUVS process on the KS catalyst for demercaptanization of BBF at LI-150, Moscow, OJSC Moscow Oil Refinery. (1996)
  19. Performance indicators of the BBF demercaptanization unit of the G-43-107M/1 catalytic cracking unit, Lisichansk, Lisichansknefteorgsintez JSC. (1999)
  20. Performance indicators of the BBF demercaptanization unit of the KT-1/1 unit on the desulfurization catalyst KS, Omsk, Sibneft-Omsk Oil Refinery. (1999)
  21. The act of introducing the process of demercaptanization of the butane-butylene fraction on a heterogeneous catalyst KS, Mazhekiai, SE «NAFTA». (1996)
  22. The act of implementing the process of purification of water process condensate on a heterogeneous catalyst KS, Mazhekiai, SE «NAFTA». (1996)