Implementation acts and reviews
- Feedback on the Basic design of a block for the purification of liquefied hydrocarbon gases from hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans of Afipsky Oil Refinery LLC. (2018)
- Reviewed by Amec Foster Wheeler Inc. for the Basic design of the LPG desulphurization unit of the UZK OJSC ANK Bashneft. (2017)
- Feedback from Taif-NK OJSC on the operation of the PPBBF demercaptanization unit of the catalytic cracking unit. (2017)
- Reviews of LLC «NEFTEKHIMPROEKT» on the Basic projects for the desulfurization of LPG of Mozyr Oil Refinery OJSC and Gazpromneft-MNPZ OJSC. “(2017)
- Feedback from JSC «Gazpromneft MNPZ» on the Basic design of the LPG demercaptanization unit of section 100 CDU-AVT-6 CUPN. (2017)
- Feedback from LUKOIL-NNOS LLC on the operation of the butane fraction demercaptanization unit. (2017)
- Feedback on the technology of demercaptanization of kerosene fraction for the production of white spirit. Iraq, Kirkuk, industrial zone No. 81213. (2017)
- Feedback from JSC «KONAR» on the Basic design of the LPG demercaptanization unit of section 5000 of the «Flexicoking» unit. (2017)
- Feedback from JSC «IOTECH» on the Initial data for the design of a block for the treatment of chemically contaminated wastewater from sulfide sulfur. (2017)
- The act of introducing the Demer-KSP kerosene demercaptanization process in Bahrain. (2015)
- The act of implementing the butane fraction demercaptanization process in OOO LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez (2014)
- ORLEN Lietuva about the operation of the KSM catalyst. (2013)
- On the operation of the butane purification unit at Lukoil-NNOS LLC.
- On the operation of the butane purification unit at Lukoil-NNOS LLC. (sheet 2) (2013)
- The act of implementing the cleaning of PBBF at TAIF-NK OJSC. (2010)
- The act of introducing the purification of the butane fraction of AGFU LLC «Lukoil-Nizhnegorodnefteorgsintez» from mercaptans – raw materials for hydrofluoric alkylation from (2010)
- The act of implementing the Demer-LUVS process on the KSM catalyst for the demercaptanization of PBBF, Yaroslavl, ZAO YARVAZ. (2001)
- The act of implementing the Demer-LUVS process on the KS catalyst for demercaptanization of BBF at LI-150, Moscow, OJSC Moscow Oil Refinery. (1996)
- Performance indicators of the BBF demercaptanization unit of the G-43-107M/1 catalytic cracking unit, Lisichansk, Lisichansknefteorgsintez JSC. (1999)
- Performance indicators of the BBF demercaptanization unit of the KT-1/1 unit on the desulfurization catalyst KS, Omsk, Sibneft-Omsk Oil Refinery. (1999)
- The act of introducing the process of demercaptanization of the butane-butylene fraction on a heterogeneous catalyst KS, Mazhekiai, SE «NAFTA». (1996)
- The act of implementing the process of purification of water process condensate on a heterogeneous catalyst KS, Mazhekiai, SE «NAFTA». (1996)