Analytical part
Instrumentation and hardware equipment of R&D Center «AhmadullinS»:
- chromatographic analysis of sulfur compounds in a hydrocarbon medium (gas chromatograph Khromatek-Kristall 5000.2);
- chromatographic analysis of the hydrocarbon composition (gas chromatograph Khromatek-Kristall 5000.2);
- chromatographic analysis of the hydrocarbon composition (liquid chromatograph Khromatek-Kristall HPLC 2014);
- quantitative determination of total sulfur in hydrocarbon fractions (X-ray fluorescent sulfur analyzer Sulfur Meter TANAKA Scientific RX-360SH);
- quantitative determination of mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide in hydrocarbon fractions (automatic titrator KEM AT-500N);
- quantitative determination of inorganic sulfides, mercaptides, thiosulfate, sulfite and sulfate in aqueous-alkaline media;
- quantitative determination of water in hydrocarbons (automatic titrator KEM MKC-501);
- atmospheric distillation of oil – LAB-1;
- spectrophotometric analysis (spectrophotometer PE-5300V);
- UV spectrometric analysis (PerkinElmer Lambda 35 spectrophotometer)
IR spectrometry (spectrometer PerkinElmer Spectrum Two); - differential scanning calorimetry DSC 214 Polyma NETZSCH;
- plastometer HA-MELT Noselab ats for determination of polymer melt flow index;
- laboratory twin screw extruder LAB TECH Engineering Company LTD (Type LTE20-32);
- rollers for plastic processing Lb200 100/100 E;
- hydraulic press for molding.